Welcome to the

Bükkösd Ecopark

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jurta és lakókocsi
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map of the ecopark


Aktuális Szállás ajánlataink

Programok | Aktualitások

oszi kirandulas

Élmény disznóvágás

Családoknak, cégeknek, baráti köröknek. Egésznapos disznóvágás kiegészítő programokkal! Várjuk jelentkezését! Jelentkezés: foglalas@okobukkosd.hu Telefon: +36 30 335 2034

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Class trip in the Bükkösdi Ecopark

Kiránduljatok a Bükkösdi Ökoparkba és ismerkedjetek meg háztáji és vadon élő állatainkkal saját természetes élőhelyükön! Iskolás és óvodás csoportok részére egész napos kirándulás rengeteg élménnyel! Parkvezetés,

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Owner's greeting

"As it happens in fairy tales, a wonderful dream has come true for me, like in similar stories, sometimes the road leading to this point has been more or less a test."
okobukkosd panorama

The largest private eco-park in the country, the Bükkösdi Wildlife Park and Ecopark, opened at the confluence of the slopes of the South Zselic and the Western Mecsek. A wildlifepark, a wildlife garden and a paddock system have been set up in the park for domestic and native Hungarian animals. Visitors can see various aquatic and land birds as well as large wild species occurring in Hungary in their own natural environment. Walking and hiking trails have been set up in the game park, where the animals of the park can be seen in their natural environment. 

The unique Galagonya restaurant, which offers delicious backyard food, is a popular and appreciated setting for guests who are susceptible to quality backyard gastronomy. It is a very popular wedding venue, just like the other facilities in the park area.

There are several guest houses in the park, to serve different needs. The premium category Hubertus Guesthouse is perfect for corporate events. The guest house has an indoor pool, sauna and jacuzzi. We are pleased to see that it is becoming an increasingly popular venue for corporate events, meetings and team building.

Diána, Ménes and Szilvánusz guesthouses can be the right choice for campsites and hikers. The modern, well-equipped buildings are popular booking destinations for families, campers or hikers.

In the stable of the park we undertake paid horse keeping, we supply the horses of equestrian hikers for the night. There's an opportunity to ride a horse-drawn carriage or in a 16-person carriage in the woods or in the village. Getting to know the horses for small children, riding in the paddock on a guide bar, at a pre-arranged time.

From spring to autumn, children's programs, the popular themed summer camps and of course, wedding events come into view. Also during this period, corporate team-building events, tours, or special outdoor private or corporate programs are more frequent.

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During the autumn-winter period, the Hubertusz guest house is more popular for the individual private guests wishing to retire and smaller corporate events.

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The Ecopark purposefully builds and protects the area, and with its premium services it tries to get to know the unique place to as many visitors as possible.

As for me, I am proud of the past 10 years, I am proud of the skills of my colleagues and my team, with them I look to the future with confidence. I want to get to know this beautiful place with as many people as possible. I named it Bükkösdi. Ecopark.

Zoltán Árki

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Hubertusz guest house

The Hubertusz Guesthouse is one of the special gems of the Bükkösdi Ecopark,
completely different from the other guesthouses.
Check out our
dog-friendly accommodation
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the heart of the Bükkösd Ecopark

It is a popular and much appreciated venue for guests
receptive to quality, backyard gastronomy.
galagonya etterem


The hunting season is a special time for
every experienced and skilled hunter.

Our returning guests at certain times of the year like during the hunting season, always find that there is no better recreation ever than the days they spent in the Ecopark . The hunting season is a special period for all hunters. The hunting days spent here, with wine tasting, backyard specials, and relaxing wellness, would crown the adventurous days. For more to know do contact our e-mail account: info@okobukkosd.hu

More about our services:
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